المعلومات الشخصية

  • الاسم : عثمان خليل العوض

  • النوع : ذكر

  • الجنسية : Sudanese

  • تاريخ الميلاد : 1978-12-24

  • الديانة: Muslim

  • الحالة الاجتماعية : اعزب

  • مكان الميلاد : Atabara

  • تاريخ التعيين بالجامعة: 2020-10-01


Arabic language
English language

مهارات الكمبيوتر

Very good

المؤهلات العلمية

PhD. Student at the Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behavior.
MA in Archeology: February, 2020. Department of Archaeology, University of Khartoum, Sudan. Disse
BA in Archaeology: 2007 Department of Archaeology, University of Khartoum, Sudan.

الخبرات العملية

• University Of Louisville and ICArEHB center June – July 2023
At the Aurignacian site of Lapa de picareiro northern Portugal
• University Of Algarve: January 2023
DIASPORA Project Early-Human migrations and the Nile Valley: the Kerma region d

الدورات التدريبية

Stone Artifacts Analysis using experimental data set, University of Nanterre France December 2023.
Breitenbach Archaeological Mission: September - October 2018
Archaeological excavation: Monrepos Archaeological Research Center and Museum for

الاوراق العلمية المنشورة

• 2021. Mohamed, B., Sara, M., Osman Kh., Kedurma Eastern Hinterlands in North Sudan: An archaeological Survey. Der antike Sudan. MittSAG Heft 32 |
• 2020. Mohammed Alfatih Hayati,1 Hwida Mohammed Adam and Osman Khaleel Al-Awad Preliminary report

ورش العمل

• Science and public policy: How to build Bridges? Centro de Competencias de Planeamento, e de prospetiva da Administração pública and ICArEHB University of Algarve. June 2023.
• Participating in the osteological and palaeo-pathological analysi


  • Professor Nuno Gonçalo Viana Pereira Ferreira Bicho, ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behavior FCHS Universidade do Algarve Campus de Gambelas 8005-139
  • Professor Claudia Naeser, Institute of Archaeology, University College London Telephone: + 49 152
  • Mohamed Albadri Suliman Bashir. , Department of Archaeology, University of Khartoum, mohamedsuliman2
  • Yahia Fadl Tahir , Department of Archaeology, University of Khartoum, yahiasd@gmail.com